Voice Alarm System

Voice Alarm System

What is a Voice Alarm System?

Voice Alarm System also called Voice Evacuation System is essential to ensure the security of people in public buildings.

What is the role of a Voice Alarm System?

A standard Fire Alarm System will inform persons by broadcasting a siren or other acoustic signal. People must know what this signal means. Otherwise, they risk being in a confused situation.

A Voice Alarm System will broadcast voice messages which communicate accurate information to the public. People react more quietly to voice messages rather than a simple acoustic signal. These messages will provide information on the current situation and the instructions to be followed for a safer evacuation, avoiding crowd movements which could be prejudicial for the public safety. 

The second benefit of a Voice Evacuation System: besides its security functions, the system can be used every day as a Public Address System for messages, announcements, advertisements and background music. All broadcasts, can be routed to all zones of the site, or only to selected zones. A Voice Evacuation System is not only used for emergencies. In this case, the system is called PAVA System (Public Address / Voice Alarm).

Each Voice Alarm System is designed according to projects' requirements. A Voice Alarm System could be installed in all kind of public buildings such as: shopping centers, supermarkets, airports, train stations, factories, warehouses, stadiums, schools, offices, etc. 

What are the standards for Voice Evacuation Systems?

Voice Alarm Systems have a determining role in the success of the emergency management. The quality and reliability of the system must be exemplary, hence several standards are applicable: 

  • EN54-16Fire detection and fire alarm systems – Part 16: Voice alarm control and indicating equipment.

The EN54-16 standard concerns electronic products. It specifies the requirements for voice alarm control and indicating equipment. 

  • EN54-4Fire detection and fire alarm systems – Part 4: Power supply equipment.

The EN54-4 standard provides requirements for power supply equipment. It is essential to ensure the continued functioning of the control and indicating equipment, providing backup power during a failure.

  • EN54-24: Fire detection and fire alarm systems – Part 24: Components of voice alarm systems - loudspeakers.

The EN54-24 standard is applicable for voice evacuation speakers. 

What are the components of a Voice Alarm System?

Voice Evacuation products are based on electronic devices including: Voice alarm controllers, paging consoles, 100V PA/VA amplifiers, power supplies, loudspeakers and accessories.

Experience our ATEÏS Voice Alarm Systems

ATEÏS is one of the leading company of the Voice Alarm industry and offers a full range of PAVA systems, which will adapt perfectly to your needs. 

PRIMA VA is the new ATEÏS self-amplified compact system with built-in amplifiers, IDA8 is a network PA/VA system with specific attributes for compliance in large installations, DIVA is a compact PA/VA system with 2 channel audio distribution for paging and background music and BOUTIQUE is a compact and self-amplified PA/VA system available in rackable and wall mount versions.

View our Voice Alarm products